My illustration is an exploration of joy as resistance. It is a reimagining of what is possible when we connect with our full humanity and seek a path forward together with great care and tenderness. It is an exploration of the interconnectedness of humanity and seeks to spark conversations around healing and communal care.


This collection began with the idea that we can’t all do it all, but if we each find our thread and start pulling, eventually, oppressive systems will begin to unravel.
When I was younger, I was more apt to relish in the idea of unraveling- a destruction of what is harmful. But now? It leaves me hopeless. Because, what exists in its place and how do we ensure that after the great unraveling, there aren’t additional oppressive systems lined up to fill the void?
So, the idea shifted.
This is not a great unraveling, but a great creating. While it is the calling for some to dismantle the systems, it is the calling of others to take place in the Creating.
The Making.
The Building.
And, just as in a great unraveling, we can’t all support all the work that needs to take place in a great creating to build systems of community care and freedom. However, we can all focus on an area that speaks to who we are, our experiences, and what we hold most dear.
We can build.
We can create new systems and new ways of living now so that when oppression falls, there are life-giving supports ready to take its place. We can create a new quilt for society that upholds justice and ensures liberation, care, and a great thriving.

City Harvest

Chick Mission

Running Strong
